COVID Realities (2)
There’s too many people! That’s the new reality. Anything more than 6-10 occupants in a single space is a cause for concern. It doesn’t matter if we’re in a large or constricted space, when there’s many, you know there’s many. Stuff like this wouldn’t matter as much in the past. But now, it is everything. The phrase ‘social-distance’ is etched in your memory, as if a scar that constantly reminds you of what caused it.
by @mirsuhail
You’re in a hurry, say you need to catch a train or bus, or your Lyft’s arriving in two minutes… you’re yet to put on your shoes; your mask, wallet, keys are lying somewhere in your room, where your eyes can easily locate them. You check your phone and see you’ve got one minute to go… shoes on, mask on, wallet and keys have been flung to your bag, you think you’re ready to go, racing to the door, til you finally step out and realize, you forgot your hand sanitizer, then that one minute, turns to -1 minute.
Sanitizer, as you enter the car, sanitizer as you touch the rails, sanitizer as your touch the shopping cart, and after, of course, until you find a non questionable or familiar sink to wash your hands as thoroughly and dramatically as you can.
Personally, it’s interesting to see how the world has changed in the last few months. Perspectives on the world and how this disease has been handled by average citizens and world leaders. There’s been actual revolutions in the making, warnings about the climate change, and so on. We were talking about this in one of my courses, how this disease really could have been over if it was taken seriously by certain people from the get go, instead of playing the blame game: pointing fingers on who caused this, why did they carry on with it surreptitiously for months. But hey, ‘there’s no use crying over spilled milk’, this is the current reality.
last but never the least,
…you've finally made it to this virtual mirror. Don’t think I’ve forgotten about another incredibly special person... you. I hope you’re doing well and keeping safe! I also hope that you found some similarities in those quarantine stories and registered that you are not alone, regardless - people all over the world are also figuring out this new but temporary ‘normal’. I want you to acknowledge that everyone has different ways of expressing themselves and coping with uncertainty. Wherever you are and however you’re quarantining, I wish you all the happiness and tranquility you could ever desire!
-Excerpt from This is how WE Quarantine.