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Doing your part

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We’re in a blue marble where empathy and compassion are practically necessities to get from one point to another. Human connection is so powerful and so needed because everyone ends up needing someone at some point in life.

I recently interviewed Fara Bakare on why she started her nonprofit organization, STEM in Africa (@steminafrica) and got a very impressive and inspiring story on kindness and how she is doing her part to help others.

As a 16-year-old Nigerian who goes to a private boarding school in the UK, Fara acknowledged that she is ‘lucky and blessed’ to have the opportunity to get a good education and that she aims to take advantage of it to make a change in the lives of other people. She also admitted that at that age, she doesn’t ‘have much to do,’ so she decided to start making a difference now that the whole world is experiencing abnormally extra free time. Her difference is starting STEM in Africa (SIA) to help underprivileged children in Africa and make an impact in their lives by exposing them to opportunities they won’t usually get in their current level of education.

“You have to really extend yourself.”

One of the first things she highlighted was the art of ‘extending’ oneself. She urges that people should ‘stretch themselves as much as they can’ because there’s so much you can do and accomplish in life. Her instance was her capitalizing on her passion for STEM and her profound empathy and desire to help others.

Admitting she’s not perfect, she however affirmed that her confidence makes her brave and enables her to stand up for what she believes in. Doing this obviously isn’t easy, especially because standing up for what you believe in comes with criticism. Just do you. In her instance, it was starting ‘SIA’ and doing things like starting a club to embrace and support equality in her school.

“We all have a kind heart”

She believes that everyone has an innately kind heart and that every kind thing you do will help someone else and help you become better.

Her advice:

  • If your intentions aren’t clean, there's no point in doing the act.

  • Don’t be full of yourself.

  • The road to success is always under construction.

“Kindness is like first love

It can change a life

With a miracle and a promise

To wipe away sorrow and strife

Kindness is the only two-way freeway

Free of traffic or potholes

Which connects the destinations Love and Hate

Without any speed limits or tolls”

-Sarah Foster

Try to always be kind and do your part to help others. Remember that there is always something you can do.

To know more about STEM in Africa, click here.