Ep. 6: Closing a chapter in anticipation for the next

When a chapter is over, you have no idea what to expect in the other. There’s an excitement in that. There’s also a warmth that comes despite all the cold in this winter season, and that is from knowing that everyone else is closing that chapter too and starting a new one in the new year. I hope everyone has had the chance to reflect on their 2023 chapter. I feel like that can sometimes come naturally but with the busyness and hastiness that comes with the year ending, perhaps not everyone has had a chance do so yet. I say this because that’s where we can get our lessons and highlights of the year, and set fresh goals while sailing into the next chapter. Also, we can only reflect if we’re not occupied - please try to take time for yourself this season. I had a conversation with a friend today about the unity that comes during this period. We’re in harmony without us even knowing - this is due to the celebrations going on this time of the year (Christmas, New Year), the omnipresence of tourists, and people returning to their hometowns. In this way, we’re united, just like what sport does to us during the World Cup or the Olympics. That’s amazing. Lastly, if for any reason, upon reflecting you find that this chapter for you sucked, I hope the next one will be better! And if it was amazing, the next one will be even more so!

Merry Christmas!

Until the next one



Ep. 7: What would your ideal Christmas gift be? (pt. 2)


Ep. 5: What did you learn this year? (pt. 1)