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Ep. 7: What would your ideal Christmas gift be? (pt. 2)

The last blog before Christmas!! Thank you so much for following the December series so far! We’re now in episode 7 sharing part two of the ideal Christmas gift. At the end of the blog, there’ll be a link to the part one episode. I loved hearing what people consider their preferred Christmas gift to be and I hope you have fun reading this as well:

Source: Etsy

C: Bonjour! 

Chimere: Hi

C: ça va?

Chimere: wait, wait, wait- 


Chimere: I don’t speak French!

 C: Just kidding; what’s your ideal Christmas gift?


I would want to get a new car. I’ve had my car for the past 5 – 7 years and it’s breaking down a little, so if I had to choose, it would probably be a new car. 

C: That’s a good one. What kind of car would you want? 


Probably a Tesla. Teslas are pretty affordable now and I think it’d be a good switch to have a hybrid or electric vehicle.



I’ve been reading a lot recently so I think a Kindle would be a nice gift for me. I will always appreciate perfume as well. My airpods recently broke, so maybe airpods too.



A 2009 Wii video game; the Madden wii game. 



 A spa day (a facial, massage etc.)



A pair of shoes, coat or kitchen appliance I wouldn’t buy for myself.



I want a knife set. I really like to cook and I feel like a really crisp knife slicing through my vegetable would elevate the experience, you know? I just got a new cutting board so I feel like I need a knife to match it, ideally I want some gold personalized ones. Any restaurant grade knife would really make my heart happy.


It would not be entirely materialistic, but the thought put into the materialistic things I want; so stalk my Pinterest if you love me; I’d want all the Sephora brands that just feel like luxury and fun, cool girl stuff: the Charlotte Tilbury spray, a lot of elf dupes for things I like; the Dior lip gloss and the blush, anything from FENTY, and the Rare Beauty blush. Self-care products too: masks, the Kiehls mask, Paula’s Choice. I also like clothes, but I’m looking into basics now, so if you got me cute sweaters from Abercrombie; I’m also trying to get more feminine clothes, so pinks, beiges, and jewelry that you think would look pretty on me, means a lot to me – so lockets are good, rings. Also, heartfelt gifts, so if you write me a letter, that would be very cute.






Can’t go wrong with books.



To be at home with my family.



Probably sending someone a folder of all the pictures I’ve taken of them and then writing a note in each picture -  

Valentina: She means the Christmas gift that YOU would like! 

Pascalyn: For myself? 


 I thought it was for someone else?

C: no worries I’d add this too !!


(continues) the note will say how much I appreciate them and what value they’ve had in my life and also how much they’ve grown from the first picture I took of them to the current one; giving them something valuable. Yeah, like for someone that likes to write, I could give them a really good pen or notebook. That would be my ideal Christmas gift to someone. 

C: Aww. What about an ideal Christmas gift for you?


For me, just prayers would be great and more than enough for me. Thank you!



My ideal Christmas gift would be most likely a destination trip with those that are hold dear. I’ll give two answers – a destination trip, one grandiose, one more on the minute. A destination trip to somewhere warm and tropical or somewhere scenic, whether its snowboarding in the alps, or Maldives, or Bahamas trip, nice and warm, with people that I hold dear to my heart. A more minute one would be a sentimental gift; something just to show the person that they’ve listened and that is held dear to them.

To those who participated in this and other episodes, thank you so much for sharing! To everyone who read this, thank you !!

If you missed part one of the ideal Christmas gift, click here to read.

Have a merry, merry, merry Christmas filled with peace, love and joy!

Until the next one
