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Every Day Is a New Beginning

I believe we’re given a chance to hit the refresh button every day. I know that this attitude is most prevalent at the start of a new year with the infamous “New Years' Resolution”, but what if I told you we don’t have to wait til the end of the year to start over?

“Every day is a new beginning.”

I saw this quote sometime last summer and remember thinking it was a breath of fresh air transcribed so perfectly. Sometimes we think it may be too soon to move on, to start afresh, particularly after going through a rough patch. But what about the time being wasted while drowning in despair? I know it’s one of those ‘easier said than done’ cases but, what happens if we realize the miracle of waking up is a reminder that starting again is always possible? It may take a day, a week, or a little more, but know that it’s attainable.

It’s unfortunate when we forget that past mistakes don’t define us. Who we were two years ago, a week ago or even as recent as yesterday, may not be who we are today. We’re constantly evolving - it’s innate for us as humans to do so, it’s innate for the earth and the entire universe to do so! We’re surrounded by change, we live in change. This year was different from the last, and so was the atmosphere (politically, socially, maybe even weather-wise).

We have to be able to move forward or life will make us do so. Nothing stays exactly the same; time is malleable, things change, people change. We have to confront whatever it is that holds us back or again, life will make us do so. It’s liberating, oftentimes nerve-wracking or exciting, but it’s something that eventually has to happen. So, yes, smile because you woke up. God gave you another chance, so what's stopping you from accepting it?