if you choose to change, make sure it’s for the right reasons

photo: @reignjudge

I was having a conversation with one of my incredibly creative friends on checking in with the parts of ourselves that makes us feel the most alive. Stuff like hobbies that we can’t seem to live without, and passions alike. More specifically, we were talking about art and creativity in itself, and how sometimes it gets stifled when we start to get lost in the realities or ‘seriousness’ of life. We talked about how some people let life and responsibilities overtake and engulf them to the point that they become unrecognizable. They start to unconsciously remove the parts of them that made them feel the most alive to ‘fit in’ or be ‘more serious’. They start to change.

Change can be a very necessary thing if you’re switching from something that no longer serves you, to something that does. But if changing means parts of yourself that ignited your soul will fade away, is changing really worth it? Doing so will only lead to burn out and losing out on the fun life can be - how can that possibly be worth it? There’s so much in life to see and experience, there’s so much to laugh and smile about, to discover and explore. In writing this, I can’t help but think of the people who try to remind us to not take life so seriously.

So if you choose change, it shouldn’t be because you suddenly see life as hard or harsh, because the true test is maintaining yourself and positivity despite any challenges. It shouldn’t be letting bad situations or bad people make you bad, it shouldn’t be throwing away your passions, it should never be losing your true self.

If you choose to change, make sure it’s for the right reasons.

Until the next one



maybe chill out in your 20s?