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A message on hope for better times ahead. CONTEXT: Some scientists believe that Jupiter’s gravity has redirected threatening comets from coming Earth’s way. See if you can coincidentally find the significance to today’s current events.


The dust gathers in the wind,

Spinning like an unstable gyroscope,

finds its way to the eye of the spiral wind,

Distorted but concentrated.

Nothing unlucky enough to get in has the chance to get out.

They say no one brave enough can face such a storm,

Belligerent and mysterious,

Exceptionally deceitful.

At least, that’s what we’ve been told.

Where there’s hope, there’s life.

Even when the storm has been rendered hopeless,

what’s around it stays and respires,

Pray hopeless spirits will not be crushed by its gravity,

After all, it has been a hero more than once.


Quarantine frustration | painted moods.

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I’ve been constantly told to ‘let it out’ in times of uncertainty and I’ve got to admit, it has really helped. I’m obviously no Picasso but I have to say the paint set I got for myself in the early quarantine days was my best investment in the last months. This isn’t because it makes me feel like an actual artist but because it is extremly therapeutic. I put on an Alternative playlist and I paint away!

In truth, I’ve tried a bunch of things to fix my Quarantine frustration - from being takeout’s best friend, to camping in the websites of arts and crafts stores to taking necessary strolls and practicing the arts of crocheting, bead making and painting. I just kept trying different things and bringing back old hobbies to make the days seem shorter than they actually are - I was trying to be my Jupiter to save me (from both my personal comets and not so personal, like COVID).

The reason I’m writing about this today is because the psychological impact of quarantine and the whole coronavirus saga is a major issue that not many people are talking about - understandably so because of all the other social and political issues people are facing right now.

Mental illness is real and ‘refreshing’ ourselves can help us mentally. It could be speaking out if something is wrong or hitting the pause button and practicing self-care (being your Jupiter to save you) or expressing yourself in other ways to keep you sane.

A counselor recommended the list kind of therapy: you write all your accomplishments down on a paper to keep, and/or you write down all the negative things you feel and destroy the paper.

Hope this helps!