Letting go of the persona.

How do you do that? How do you find an escape from a current situation? Your life can figuratively be a book and starting a new chapter isn’t exactly the easiest thing to do. Today, Julianna Dominguez shares her story with you. A story on doing exactly just that.


Growing up in an ‘emotionally detached’ household, with ‘emotionally absent’ parents, made her go down her own path as an early teen. Julianna admitted that this circumstance she found herself in at an early age, made her ‘do horrible things’ and make decisions she now admits were 'poor choices.’ ‘I had no idea who I was, I wasn’t taking care of myself,’ she acknowledged.

All of which led to her depression. She spoke up and let her parents know she was going through this tough time, but they didn’t believe her. They though she was concocting stories merely to ‘seek attention.’ This then culminated in a suicide attempt.

So how did she overcome this?

“I’ve had ups and downs, but I just let things flow.”

Accepting: If there’s one thing Julianna did while telling her story was admit and acknoledge. She acknowledged that she never loved herself, was insecure, and got into the wrong relationships. She also admittted that she was almost putting out a different person, she was feeding into a persona, someone she knew wasn’t her and that she had the wrong idea of what self-care or self-love was; as well as the fact that she needed guidance but her parents were emotionally absent, although, she remains grateful for all they did for her.

“It all starts with taking care of yourself.”

Removed herself from the toxic situation she was in. Julianna moved to Alaska, from California, away from her parents, before graduating and ‘had a breakthrough.' She set goals for herself, which she accomplished: got a job, graduated within three months. During this time, she also got to meet her soon fiancée!

Determined to turn her life around. Upon a temporary move back to her home, California, she, her dad and sister found themselves homeless. With that, it was made clear that she ‘wasn’t welcome there’, which culminated in her living with her friend, later with her fiancée’s family, while she was working and reaching her goal of graduating within her target time (3 months).

After graduating, she quit her job, temporarily moved to England with her fiancée, where she is currently ‘discovering herself.’ She says that this move ‘has given her clarity on who she wants to be.’

“You don’t have to make past experiences define you.”

Right now, Julianna uses her voice to spread positivity, encouraging others to stay strong and be themselves. (@11juls)

Her advice:

  • Be genuine.

  • You can be anybody you want!

  • You can change your ‘image’ or ‘stereotype.’

  • Break out of your persona!


Mood Board: Brown and Blue


This is home.