paintings and pasta
Jet lag and cold weather sometimes mean painting and staring out the window. Jet lag and cold weather sometimes mean skincare and pasta, sometimes hot water. Manhattan is grey but when duty calls, you have to brace the below-freezing temperatures, and sometimes play with the snow, sometimes in the snow. Try not to slip and fall, the streets are icy these days. Manhattan is crazy in a way that makes you miss it each time you’re kilometers or an ocean away. Some weeks ago, I saw a guy wear shorts even though it was so cold you'd pray for your hands as you start to feel them less and less the more blocks you walk by. Frostbite is real, that’s why staying indoors is increasingly attractive these days - an introvert’s dream. An introvert’s scream is actualized when the winter blues kick in. The days are shorter, the nights are longer; daylight saving time is an interesting scheme, you know. I’m one of those people who actually believe it makes sense to a significant degree. I mean, if the sun sets earlier, it’s best the time changes too, so we underscore the uniqueness of winter and appreciate the brighter spring and summer, where the days get longer and the nights, shorter. you’re free to disagree. Much is said about envying tropical areas during this time of the year. People there don’t have to worry about wearing gloves if staying outdoors for more than a couple of minutes, the right shoes so they don’t have to be victims of the snow’s resting place, the ground. They also don’t have to worry about wearing jackets that look almost like the upper part of spacesuits. But this is not necessarily a disadvantage because this is TheNorthFace’s time of the year and we love them over here. The tropics are fun, but if we’re stuck with sweater weather, we better make the most of it, no?