Passion is Magnetic
What if we loved life with the very passion that dictates art?
Art: Aldo Luongo
When seeing someone exude passion in what they do, you can practically feel how that passion overtakes the room. Think of a good orator or performer, you get entranced by the emotion behind their every word and move. We may even feel a sudden temptation to do something just as inspiriting. Passion itself is contagious, it demands to be seen, it demands to be felt.
Today, we discuss how passion impacts us.
“The dancers move like water transformed by music, flowing in graceful arcs, limbs in constant motion, painting a picture sound alone can never achieve. They bring a wordless interpretation of the beats, of the soft strings, in a way the audience can understand no matter what language they speak…”
In that way their dance isn't simply movement, but the most honest form of communication I know. Isn't that how we humans are, saying what we think we ought but showing how we truly feel in our art?” - Angela Abraham.
Dance by Svetlana Zakharova and Vladislav Lantratov; Lady of the Camellias (2015)
Passion seeps through art forms like dancing. The fun thing about dancing is that it’s one of those activities you do even if you don’t know how to do it, just like singing. It’s why karaoke is a thing and the quote “dance like no one is watching” exists. Art exemplifies how contagious passion is. It’s why we’re hypnotized by dance moves and feel compelled to learn at least the initial or most popular steps. Same thing goes for instruments; have you ever heard an instrument played so well that you felt impelled to learn it or at least watch someone else play it? That’s the piano for me; each time I hear it being played, it renews my desire to want to master the instrument. Lastly, the hypnotic characteristic of passion encapsulates the reason for its strong magnetic field: it inspires, commands, and captivates us to the point of emulating whatever stimulates our vehemence.
“Love life, engage in it, give it all you’ve got. Love it with a passion, because life truly does give back, many times over, what you put into it.” – Maya Angelou
Until the next one
- C