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road trip…

Driving so far makes you realize how much *mystery land* is around. I never knew New York was this huge! There’s so much emphasis on Manhattan, Brooklyn, and some other places but not the other areas upstate. It’s really interesting how much nature there is - until the trip, I had never seen mountains on the East Coast.

How I wish I had more pictures but they won’t fully illustrate the excitement and gorgeousness of what I saw on the way. To be honest, all the pictures looked like that; trees, trees, some rain, and more trees - excluding the multiple shopping outlets and the amusement park we saw, and the huge FedEx plane that flew right above the bus’ massive window - I know, I can’t believe I didn’t capture this!!

It was my first time in New Jersey after a couple of years. I honestly couldn’t tell that I was there at times because I could still see New York’s skyline like I was uptown Manhattan. I’d hiked around the George Washington Bridge area (The Little Red Lighthouse) before, so it was cool being above that area, up on the bridge.

There were so many travelers on the road, some with bicycles carefully strapped to the back of their vans, or in buses. There was also some of the most important people in transportation - the ones who make our grocery store runs and Amazon orders successful. I noticed that whenever big cars like the bus we used or the other massive trucks on the road passed, there’d be a sweet, subtle wave between the people behind the wheels. I saw this in a vlog a few weeks ago; as a couple drove their van across (I don’t remember which) states during their road trip. I loved this.

The road trip was to a little village in Northern Pennsylvania; apparently it’s so remote that only 600 people live there. I’ll be in the rural areas for quite a bit but I’ll try to give as many updates as I can! This blog was just to briefly describe the incredible sensation of the road trip and to hopefully encourage you guys to take one as it is that amazing. So don’t hesitate, summer has already begun, what are you waiting for? Hit the road and embark on an adventure!!