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the “importance” that people crave

Influence. Have you ever wondered why we crave it? Is it for attention or because we have the ‘right’ opinions? for money? to be heard?? What comes to mind when you think of influence? Why do you think people desire it?

The question reminds me of the phrase, fifteen minutes of fame. People often say this when a person gets an unusual amount of attention for a while because of something they did or said for a mere moment. This typically happens during high-profile court cases, or when someone witnesses a fight or moment of extreme tension that piques people’s interest. The euphoria stemming from people wanting to hear what you have to say; the uniqueness that you of all people, were the one who happened to witness something you're urged to testify on. It’s got to be a special feeling. Now imagine if that fame lasted for more than fifteen minutes… 

For a Digital Communications course, I was asked about whether the monetization of social media causes people to ditch authenticity and showcase a side of themselves that is more “palatable”. In my opinion, the answer is a glaring and resounding yes (in some cases). For influencers to stay relevant, they may find themselves having to exaggerate or maybe even concoct certain things that draw more attention to them and their content. In this context, it’s an equation of more attention = more money.

I’m not on TikTok but I know that people who have found themselves with a certain amount of viewers or followers have found their way to the MET gala - an event that used to be exclusively for people who made it in Hollywood and fashion designers (from what I understand). Now if the internet is making anybody a celebrity, can you be really astonished at why certain people are fixated on social media? Don’t get me wrong, these apps have benefits like connecting with other people and sharing useful 'life hacks' that lure people to them. But, there’s a category of people who aim for fame via these apps - and with possibilities like being invited to high-profile events, why wouldn’t they? 

Similar story with politicians. Exposure! Exposure! Exposure! You need to see them in photos, videos, rallies, etc. You need to have their faces etched in your memory; I mean, if they’re everywhere, there’s got to be something interesting about them, no? They want to help you so why won’t you give them the time of day?! This popularity contest is however far more essential in politics than anything else because it’s a matter of the people who will be allowed to lead and make direct changes to our lives, and our countries.

Now, with all the examples I just gave you, notice the one thing they all have in common. Attention. It’s not supposed to be a negative thing, especially if it’s not something in excess. The truth is that people want others to hear what they have to say; not necessarily because they think it’s the ‘right’ opinion, but because it’s their opinion. They want to be adored, loved, and celebrated. Have we really become a society fixated on fame because it's seemingly the easiest way to get your attention? When was the last time you listened to someone, even if you disagreed with them? When was the last time you celebrated someone else? When was the last time you showed someone you cared about them?

In a world where we are taught the benefits of selfishness, we should never forget that there are so many others who call this world "home". We may not have the fortune of meeting every person on this earth, but we have the opportunity to impact the ones we meet. We have to be more mindful, a little less selfish, and a lot more selfless, particularly with our deeds and our words.