The self-care guide

Movies, music, reading …

Self care is anything that calms and rejuvenates you. It’s about forgetting what doesn’t make you feel alive, and unwinding, for your sake.

Why make time for self-care?

  • Sometimes you need to give yourself a break

  • To keep yourself grounded.

  • To maintain your sanity.

Everyone has their own definition of self-care. It is extremely pivotal that you find yours! If you do have a self-care routine, how often do you adhere to it? How does it help you get through your everyday life?

For most of us, our pre-quarantine days were extremely busy and now that we’re all indoors, we find ourselves looking for distractions everywhere because let’s face it, work is tedious and it is impossible to go through life without a break, no?

Some examples of how people practice the art of self care:

  • Painting! something we all deep down know how to do

  • Choosing to stay in/ staying home doing anything or nothing at all - a self-care enthusiast, Karyn Obasahan, advises “self-care is withdrawing; you don’t have to please everyone, give time for yourself.”

  • Knitting/Crocheting - inspirations all over Pinterest and instagram!

  • Journaling! writing down your thoughts helps in a really weird way

  • Ordering in - pizza, snacks like pretzels ;)

  • In house spa day! Very, very significant. In fact, when you hear or read about self care, this always comes up! Face mask and wine, face mask and tea, face mask and a bubble bath. Also, ditch the idea that skincare is for one gender, seriously. The best part about this therapeutic act really has to be the fact that you can do other things as you care for your skin - requires very little of your time!

  • Netflix, Hulu, Youtube etc. Their versatility remains unmatched. There’s always something to watch, even when there isn’t..

    • See some recommendations on what to watch here.

  • Doing your hair and/or makeup for the sake of ‘self-art’.

  • Making a playlist! “Making a playlist is a delicate art. You get to say what you want to say without actually saying it.” - High Fidelity (2020)

  • Cooking! The more fancy version of ordering in and another fan of multitaskers. Check out @chi.rtc for inspiration!

  • Going out for late night drives to calm your mind!

  • Ice cream (and Netflix, email checking etc.), the everything snack.

For more self care guides, check out other recommendations on:

Have a wonderful day and stay safe!


You have met yourself in someone else


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