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What is for you will not escape you

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When we find ourselves in difficult circumstances, we tend to look for the easiest ways out, disregarding every possible consequence.

The leading figure in this story has requested his anonymity. Out of respect for this, I have written this article in the third person; the leading figure will be called AP or Anonymous Protagonist.

Years ago, starting as a young private tutor, AP encountered many difficulties as a result of the ever-present economic struggles his country faces to this day. Still, he went by, doing his job and leading a normal life as that was all he could do then; until one eventful day, when an opportunity suddenly stopped by.

After tutoring one of his usual students, AP conversed with the student’s mother about his desire to move abroad due to his financial issues caused mainly by the country’s problems. He wanted his greener pastures. The student’s mother responded, saying she could acquaint him with her brother, who resides and works in London, but happened to be in town at that time. Fate right?

Soon after, AP met up with the aforementioned brother to see how he can help him go abroad and get a ‘better life’. When they met, he asked if AP had an international passport - which he did. The brother then tells AP that he would have to travel with his inherent passport but when he gets to the UK, he will have to change his name for at least a couple years, before resuming his original name.

Engulfed in disillusionment and shock at the bold attitude the brother possessed to initiate the sketchiest thing he’d ever heard, AP turned down the uncanny offer; primarily due to religious reasons. This caused the brother to look at him disrespectfully, concluding that he was merely conceited.

“People think that they wouldn’t have to work if they move abroad, that everything would be easy for them.”

-Anonymous Protagonist.

While telling me his story, AP made that unforgettable statement. This brings the question, What are your greener pastures? To him, it was a land far away that he believed could instantly solve his financial problems. However, it was also a land he couldn’t dare enter before the time was right:

Shortly after rejecting the very strange offer of moving overseas with a false identity, AP’s pastor dreamt he was arrested. Till this day, he’s forever grateful that he rejected the offer:

Last year, AP was able to visit London in a straight, legal way, ‘without compromising (his) standards.’

His advice:

  • Be firm and confident in your values.

  • Don’t delay your blessings by falling into temptations.

  • Don’t lose faith.

Book recommendations inspired by the topic: