celebrating new things


Remember that time I recommended a film camera or a suitable substitute as a self-care idea? That same camera I loaded film on during my last video? Yup, the film has been processed and I thought I’d share some of the photos with you!

Okay, so some of them were pretty blurry, and I may or may not have neglected the flash setting when needed BUT I tried something new… that’s worth smiling for. For reference, I used Kodak Gold 200 on an autofocus 35mm camera. It was my first time using 35mm film and the emotion that ran through me when I got the scans back was exhilarating. That feeling alone made it worth it, even if it wasn't perfect.

In one of my early posts, I mentioned how Perfection doesn’t exist and got all philosophical on the topic (mad fun to write though). There are still expectations, and sometimes that may be a concluding factor as to why we try things or not. I once watched a vlog where a Youtuber was drawing and doing different kinds of artsy things while deeming that they may not be the best at it, but the sensation of making it is what pulls them to that same activity. It’s truly beautiful.

For instance, during quarantine when I tried out all sorts of things just to make the days not seem so slow and odd because the more I reflect on last year, the more it felt like we were all placed in this other dimension with limited escape and it’s kind of spooky to think about it that way but, hey, it’s always fun using metaphors. Point is, the unknown can be scary and perhaps intimidating, but we’re all just figuring things out as we move forward. Speaking of unknown, I honestly thought I somehow missed a step when loading the film, like it was a win or lose, flip of the coin type-situation but I still took pictures anyway, giving myself and my camera the chance, and voila! 

Do something new because you want to, because you’re willing to, and if it comes down to it, you will make sure that you are able to. The sensation of freedom is felt when your choice or your decision is prioritized, when it’s a matter of a risk you’re willing to take. The real question is “why not?”


inward shift


winter is coming, but first…