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Ep. 5: What did you learn this year? (pt. 1)

We’re almost done with 2023! Can you believe it?! The way time flies is always so mind-blowing. For this episode, I urge to reflect on how we think we did this year: How satisfied are we with ourselves and everything else that happened to and around us this year? What did we learn from it? In a later episode of this December series, I’ll expand on this from my perspective. For now, I want you to read these incredible responses of what some people said their lessons of the year were. Hope you enjoy the read!

What was your lesson of the year?

The biggest lesson I learned this year was that everything eventually falls into place if you believe in yourself, and you put in the work. I feel like if you want something bad enough, then you’ll work for it and see the result.

- Gabby 

You can fix things. Even though you might think that it’s something unbearable that you can’t change. If you want you can change things. You just have to be pushy and humble. For instance, going to the gym helped fix my legs.

 - Marta

To do things out of your comfort zone more often.

 ⁃ Arjun

The biggest lesson I learned this year is to protect my energy. I think that we overlook the people we let into our lives. Energy is huge- it transfers, and it lingers. I feel like it could really affect your life. We don’t pay attention when something bad happens involving someone you let into your life, which could leave you astonished because you didn’t really analyze who you were talking to or really observe what they said and consumed. You didn’t know who they truly were.

 -  Sokhna


I learned how to put myself first before anyone else.

 - Gina

 Never give up.

(Quote of the year, too) : “They wrote me off, I ain’t write back tho”

- Justin

I learned how important it is to surround yourself with the right people that are there to encourage and help you, and not people that put you down. Not people who, when you want to do something, they doubt you or they’re like “why?”. Don’t ever surround yourself with those type of people. If you want a $50 million house, you might not have it at this moment, but surround yourself with people that say that you’re gonna get it !! Not people who limit themselves or try to limit you.

- Debrah


My lesson of the year is that it’s okay to have a plan but don’t expect things to go exactly to plan. How I started this year is not how I’m ending the year - and not in a bad way; you just have to be okay with things changing. 

⁃ MJ


Understand the reason behind why people do things.

⁃ Rich


To wake up early and go to bed early. Life is just better when you’re more productive and feeling good and healthy. So, sleep more!

 - Liam



To be more independent. But whenever you are in a friendship or relationship where you are very dependent on them, cherish how much they can give to you and offer you in that relationship. Relationships mean a lot to me and I’ve gained a lot of insight on how they affect me this year.

- Tanya



To be intentional with anything that you do, and the people you give your time to, and the people you surround yourself around because they play a big part in your energy and in your goals and purpose in life because they can either draw you closer to that, or they can distract you from what you’re meant to be or what God has planned for you. 

-  Pascalyn

To those who participated in this and other episodes, thank you so much for sharing your experiences on here! To everyone who read this, thank you !!

Merry Christmas!

Until the next one
