I hope at least some of us still go to the movies

It’s so tempting to choose the ‘stay home’ option. Introvert or not, it’s unlikely you’re always in the mood to step out of your home; if you are, that’s pretty impressive. Your home is most likely your ultimate comfort zone, it may even be the place you associate the word ‘rest’ with the most, so it can be fairly discouraging to go out at times. Despite this, the mere fact that an entire world exists out of your comfort zone can urge you to go out even if it’s for a short while.

The thing about movies is that it makes you travel to different corners of the earth (and sometimes outer space) while staying still. Music has a similar effect, but what makes movies different is that they inundate you with visuals, words, and characters altogether. There’s a gorgeousness about certain motion pictures that revolve around the gripping way they tell a story and the lessons you learn from them. It’s certainly easy to turn on Netflix and stream away because it’s right there, but there’s a unique atmosphere that belongs exclusively to cinemas. I don’t know if it’s the bright big screen coupled with the almost pitch-black surroundings, but there’s something so remarkable about the whole experience. Cinemas make you hone in mentally on the film you’re watching, forcing you to immerse yourself in it as there’s a lack of distractions from i.e your phone. It’s like how reading a book in the absence of noise makes you inevitably get lost in it.

So yes, I hope at least some of us still go to the movies because although seemingly innocuous, it’s repetitive and sometimes mundane to shut ourselves out from the rest of the world. We’re fortunate enough to have the opportunity to explore other worlds and not just through cinema, so why not take those chances?

Until the next one

- C


my surfing anecdote


The Things We Do and Don’t See