Welcome back to this dreamspace! Hope you sang enough Christmas songs to hold you out till the next festive period!
an archive of great things that rounded up 2020 and pushed forward the new year-
There’s no place like Nigeria. There was an interesting contrast from what I know it to be, especially during the festive season, to what I recently witnessed it as. I am grateful that there’s still the warmth and liveliness riddled in its atmosphere. There’s still circumstances we wish weren’t there, but the sun still rises, so hope persists, remaining the leading catalyst for the vision it ought to realize.
Screenshots from my 8mm video included
captured [Lagos, Nigeria]
“nothing can be changed until it is faced”
- James Baldwin
missed the great conjunction
but grateful it occured
I cannot believe I didn’t see it live, but I was able to marvel at it from other people’s telescope views I saw on the internet. Apparently, there’s some spiritual connection with this, some relate it to the start of a new era, or a balance of two opposing energies. It occurred on the winter solstice, the shortest day and longest night of the year, marking its rare astronomical occurrence.
solar system watch when the sun was out-
moon (left)———————————————————————————————mars (tiny dot on the right)
captured [Lagos, Nigeria]
If you were in Lagos this December, did you notice that mars was visible almost every night?! I literally stood outside with my planet and star finder app (of course I have this) and studied the skies, pointing out what was what and stopping everyone who walked past to show them that the red planet was looking right back at them.
Neptune and Uranus were also visible but with a telescope only because well if Voyager took about 10 years to reach it, it’s only feasible that it won’t be so easy to spot with the naked eye. A subtle reminisce how tiny we all are.
immersed ourselves in the festive season
Christmas playlists comfortably on repeat
The idea that everything is always going to be one straight line is a pretty thought. But remember, we survived a cinematic 2020, and saw straight lines can turn into other things if that’s what has been destined.
a reminder:
until the next one