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Self-care as a college student

I kept telling myself that before college is over, I have to do a self - care edition tailored to students, so here we go!


So these are self-care ideas that have worked for me and I thought I’d share because being a student, especially in university, can be pretty stressful- but it’s not impossible. You can navigate it (and anything) *almost* seamlessly if you have a good work-life balance.

  1. Don’t be too hard on yourself overall (especially during the first weeks)!

    I know this is pretty broad, and if I say something like ‘it’s just school’, your mind will understandably redirect you to grades. Not being too hard on yourself is a great starter because that opens up the rest of the self-care ideas as you’d be able to care about and make time for other things.

  2. Staying in when you really want to.

    This is super important because although perhaps not spoken enough about, there’s this pressure to go out and do all sorts of things even if you don’t feel like it. I think it’s very important to socialize and meet people but trust your gut - if it’s telling you to stay in, do so.

  3. Books! Books! Books!

    If you’re not new here, you probably know I’m a bookworm. Good news is you don’t even have to be one to pick up a book - any book - or magazine - or read TheOtherDreamer ;) Besides, books are a great way to forget you have a phone. Each time you open a book, you enter a different world. 1000% recommend.

  4. Podcasts are good too.

    I know I’ve mentioned this on one of my other self-care blogs but there’s something new I’d like to add: listening to podcasts or even an audiobook of the course you’re studying or a topic you’re struggling in. Someone recently recommended this to me and I thought it was so brilliant I had to put it here.

  5. Take a walk in a space with nature.

    This is good especially when school or life overall gets overwhelming. Being outside, walking, or finding a space in a park to meditate a bit can be super helpful while rejuvenating.

  6. Change your studying habitat.

    Libraries are great for studying but they sometimes get a little noisy, find a change of scenery and feed your brain there.

  7. Friends!!

    University is so great for making friends and meeting new people! Spend time with them, get to know them. This is also good because we always feel at ease when there’s a sense of relatability, and who’d better relate to you as a student than another student!

  8. Restaurants.

    Around every or most college areas, there are always (hopefully great) places to eat… go there! Expand your food pallet, go out with your friends or by yourself, whatever the case, just eat!!

  9. Cooking.

    Goes in tandem with staying in - If you’re hungry and don’t feel like going out, you can always make something. If you’re lost, Pinterest and the overall internet are loaded with so many ideas for you.

  10. Music!

    I started listening to jazz lately and it is so soothing. Music sets the tone, so if you want to relax, try a playlist with some calming music. Feel free to email for recommendations too!

    Hope this helps!

    Until the next one,
