The art of perfection is that it does not exist.

Life is easy, we just make it hard for ourselves. You miss someone, call them. You want something, get it. You dislike something, change it. That’s it. Put in a few characters. If it was that easy, life would be perfect.

We live our lives trying so hard to get things right, trying to get everything to fall into place because coloring outside the lines cannot and must not be tolerated.

It doesn’t matter if you’re uptight or chill, some things are just not understandable.

But then, Why must we understand everything?

That is the beauty of life, that some things just don’t make sense - as life would be perfect if we understood everything that happens.

The thing is, perfection is non existent.

That is precisely why we dream, why we create.

That is precisely why we dream, why we create.

-Life of Pi, Yann Martel.

-Life of Pi, Yann Martel.

Reality is annoyingly cruel, but so is perfection.

Perfection makes us think there’s something wrong with us. Why aren’t I this? Why haven’t I done that? It is the stimulant for self doubt and the reason it seems like it’s always there is because it’s a figment of every imagination in the planet.

Without pain, life would be perfect.

Now what’s the fun in that? I mean, pain is the reason we have stories to tell and excuses to create. It inspires our daily lives as it teaches us lessons for future events and it inspires artists by fueling their imaginations.

So evade thinking of the ‘perfects’ or you’d essentially be thinking of nothing.



What is for you will not escape you


Maintaining your sanity and positivity while contained