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“What that quilt knows about me…”

There’s this special museum in the Upper West Side of Manhattan that I found myself strolling into and almost instantly becoming fascinated by its theme and the stories that made up its entire exhibition. The longer I spent in the museum, the more I knew I had to write a blog about the message and symbolism behind all of it:

If the objects we love and the things we love to do could talk, what would they say about us?

I pondered on this as I walked around the artworks, acknowledging how much life, soul, and emotions were interwoven with the gorgeous colors and materials that embodied those quilts. It reminded me of the very crucial fact that all that we do, what we say, and how we carry ourselves are all part of our own display, our own exhibition. How do you want that to be perceived? How do you want to be characterized?


*I’ve spotlighted some of the works and their explanations below to share the stories of these incredible artists who wanted to share pieces of themselves through their unique works with their loved ones, future museum goers, and perhaps most importantly, to remind themselves of what marked them at a point in time.

Until the next one

- C