Ep. 2: What would your ideal Christmas Gift be? (pt. 1)

 (for the record, in entry 1, someone said something in a British accent and we wanted to see if we could continue)…

C: Should we do this in a British accent?

S: No, I’ll get nervous!!



My ideal Christmas gift would be not something that I would receive myself, but for my younger sister to get everything that she wants for Christmas. My sister is 15 and she is my world, and I just want her to have a good Christmas, regardless of how old she gets. She’s not getting a new phone that’s for damn sure!! She wants a new phone but I don’t think that’s gonna happen because I’m not getting a new phone. But, she can have anything else beyond that! I just want her to have a good Christmas.  



K: Something I really want?

C: Yes! 

Honestly – I don’t know, because I don’t care for anything like that. Anybody could give me anything and I’ll literally be the happiest ever. Spending time with loved ones is all I care about, I don’t need to have a gift or anything like that.




- Laughs - 

Money, to be honest – but, it’s what I want to do with the money, I want to build a house back home in Haiti for my family. I’ve always wanted to start a tennis club back in Haiti, which requires a lot of money, so money! Anything you want to do that’s good requires money!


Anything with sentimental value.


 A PS5.



A Christmas gift I would want every single year is to be with my family. Unfortunately one year, I didn’t get to spend Christmas with most of my family; I remember telling my dad afterwards that something didn’t feel right; he said it was because I wasn’t with the people I enjoy Christmas with - he was right. Christmas isn’t just about celebrating the holidays, it’s about celebrating with your family.


Merry Christmas!

Until the next one



Ep. 3: How would you rather spend your Christmas?


Ep. 1: Hello, December 2023!!